EI Club Spelling Bee Contest
(Thursday 17th January)
The 1st EI Club Spelling Bee was held on Thursday 17th January. Club members and invited guests were divided into 3 levels and participated in a knock-out spelling competition. Students were given a word list in December and studied it over the winter vacation. They then practiced hard with the EI teachers the week before the contest.
Although the activity was challenging for the students, they enjoyed taking part in the competition and supporting their friends. Teachers were very impressed by the commitment and performance shown by all students. The lucky winner of the Level 2 competition will now represent Yamawaki at The Japan Times Bee in March! Good luck!!
この競技は大変難しいなものでしたが、生徒の皆さんの参加態度や友達と協力する姿は大変素晴らしいものでした。今回の代表が山脇学園代表として3月の第10回The Japan Times Beeコンテストに出場します。応援しましょう!